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Contractor Payments

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Contractor Payments

To view the SiteManager Estimate that interests you click within appropriate District borders

  • Estimates are sorted by Contract Number
  • The first number in the Contract ID represents the District. number. (i.e. 1809 is in District 1)
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader is required for viewing your payments on-line in PDF format.

NDOR Prompt Payment Clause

Last Updated: 07/07/2006

Dist. 5: Banner, Box Butte, Cheyenne, Dawes, Deuel, Garden, Kimball, Morrill, Scotts Bluff, Sheridan, Sioux Dist. 7: Chase, Dundy, Franklin, Frontier, Furnas, Gosper, Harlan, Hays, Hitchcock, Kearney, Perkins, Phelps, Red Willow Dist. 6: Arthur, Blaine, Cherry, Custer, Dawson, Grant, Hooker, Keith, Lincoln, Logan, McPherson, Thomas Dist. 8: Brown, Cherry, Garfield, Holt, Loup, Rock, Wheeler Dist. 3: Antelope, Boone, Burt, Cedar, Colfax, Cumming, Dakota, Dixon, Knox, Madison, Pierce, Platte, Statton, Thruston, Wayne Dist. 2: Cass, Dodge, Douglas, Sarpy Dist. 1: Butler, Cass, Gage, Jefferson, Johnson, Lancaster, Nemaha, Otoe, Pawnee, Richardson, Saline, Saunders, Seward Dist. 4: Adams, Buffalo, Clay, Fillmore, Greeley, Hall, Hamilton, Howard, Merrick, Nance, Nuckolls, Polk, Sherman, Thayer, Valley, Webster, York
District Map

Please contact Construction Divison with your questions/comments.