the Webmaster
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Public Information
Public Hearings
Communication Services
Web Communication Office
The mission of this division is to work as a
team to provide communication direction and assistance, and to help
Department of Roads' management and employees present the right information
more effectively within and outside the Department.
Whatever the service or deed we render, quality
is our goal.
The Public Information Section is responsible
Advising, developing and reviewing
policies, programs and procedures pertaining to the Department's
communication processes, and community relations functions.
Providing communication planning,
technical assistance and media relations coordination for the Department.
Preparation and distribution of
information pertaining to Departmental issues and activities through
news releases, publications, brochures, newsletters, and the web
Preparing public notices, news releases
and fliers for NDOR public meetings and hearings.
Planning, editing and producing
the "Roadrunner," a bi-monthly employee news and information publication.
Producing and distributing a monthly
public flier of statewide road construction projects and detours,
April through December.
Performing special coordination,
writing and public relations, and providing assistance as needed
by the Director's office in regard to the Governor's office, public
officials, citizens, Departmental employees, and various Department-related
Planning and producing public awareness
campaigns for safety, construction, maintenance or other essential
operations or issues, as needed.
Maintaining a news clipping file,
employees information bulletin board, providing general news, state
maps and other internal and external informational needs.
The Web Communication Office manages,
oversees, and coordinates the development, maintenance, and expansion
of the NDOR internet and intranet web sites.
growth and a complete redesign of the NDOR Internet site over the past
two years has made the NDOR site one of the top five most accessed sites
in Nebraska State Government.
new technologies become available, they are tested and added to the
site. The
future will include more interactive areas for contractors, truckers,
and the general public, as well as expanded use of GIS based
The site includes extensive
real-time weather and travel resources, including a web access to the
511 Travelers' Information area. It contains links to all current NDOR
divisions and districts, and a large photo history of the agency. It
also features links to resources not directly under the authority of
NDOR, but of interest to the public, such as air travel, motor vehicle
licensing, train schedules, bicycle guides, scenic by-ways, and recreational
resources within the state.
Those who do business with
NDOR have access to various monthly, weekly, and daily reports, contract
letting information, construction specifications, and other related
material that helps them achieve their goals more efficiently. Contractors
can view/download letting plans from the site, saving them time and
money. Those who wish to get permits on right of way areas can download
the forms on-line.
The Map Library includes
downloadable county maps, as well as a number of specific variations
of the state highway map.
The continued successful operation and growth of the NDOR web site is
a key factor in the Agency's ability to adequately meet its current
and future goals, and fulfill the expectations of those we serve.

The Public Hearings Section is responsible for:
Coordinating with other Department employees, the Nebraska Highway Commission
and local officials the planning, scheduling, and conducting of public
hearings/meetings. Associated with this activity are: preparing and
placing advertisements and public notices, preparing hearing formats,
handout materials, operating the public address system and recording
equipment, preparing and distributing hearing/meeting transcripts, and
maintaining an official record of Department hearings.
Provides informational resources
by various methods for internal and external communication, and is composed
of the following units and their responsibilities:
Accumulates, files and maintains in a current status, record copies
of all documentation, material and records that identify operational
and functional actions which support the Department's primary
objectives. Stores and maintains for checkout or reference all
inactive, long-term and permanent Department records. Microfilming
is done by the Department's Records Officer as prescribed by State
and Federal procedures and regulations.
research materials, collections, and information which is provided
in print and online through the AASHTO EIS, and on the INTERNET.
Audio-visual equipment is also available.
Receives and routes incoming calls to the offices in the Department.
Greets and directs visitors to locations within the Department.
Provides limited clerical assistance. Serves as proofreader for
the Information Processing Center.
Responsible for providing numerous word processing services to the
Department's Divisions and Districts. Provides various clerical
assistance services and information processing.
Provides offset printing, copying, duplicating and other document
production services for agency business purposes.
Provides graphics, art, and typesetting assistance for all department
activities. Formulates and implements policies, procedures and standards
for controlling, designing, production and usage of forms in both
printed and electronic formats.
Consist of general photography and film processing of aerial photography,
official portraits, groups, meetings, construction projects, special
events, Department installations, and limited videotaping.
Mail Service distributes incoming, outgoing and inter-office mail
for all service locations.