November 30, 2001
The Department will issue an addendum Monday, December 3, 2001, on Project EACSTPD-EACBR-S55F (102), Call Order F04, and Projects SRR-55 (106) and RD-S55B (1012) Call Order N05.
The subject of this addendum will be to rescind the project tie as described in the Notice to Bidders and allow contractors to bid Call F04 separate from Call N05. Contractors bidding F04 will need to be qualified for Bridges. Contractors bidding Call N05 will need to be qualified for Bituminous. A clarification in the "Step-by-Step Mixing Procedure" for the conductive concrete in Call F04 will be made requiring Steps 1-7 to be performed at a central plant location.
Karl A. Fredrickson, P.E.
Contracts Manager
Construction Division