& Research
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Division Responsibilities
Sections & Responsibilities
We design, research and test highway materials
for use in constructing and maintaining a quality highway system that
meets the needs of Nebraska.

& Quality Assurance |
Responsibility |
Phone |
Weishahn |
Pavement Engineer |
402-479-4675 |
Koves |
Aggregate Laboratory Supervisor |
402-479-3851 |
Byre |
Bituminous Laboratory Supervisor
402-479-4774 |
Bohling |
Manual and Pavement Coring/Smoothness Manager |
402-479-4610 |
Vajgrt |
QA, District 1 - Lincoln |
402-479-4543 |
Mangen |
QA & Branch Lab - Omaha (Dist
2) |
ext 286 |
Reynolds |
QA & Branch Lab - Norfolk -(Dist's
3 & 8) |
ext 219 |
Splattstoesser |
QA & Branch Lab - Grand Island, (Dist's
4 & 7) |
ext 218 |
McNeel |
QA & Branch Lab - North Platte,
(Dist's 5,6,7 & 8) |
ext 226 |
Pavement and Quality Assurance |

The Materials and Research Division is
responsible for:
- Developing materials specifications and quality
control standards.
- Determining pavement type and thickness.
- Conducting pavement research.
- Managing and administering
the department's research program
- Testing and inspecting construction/maintenance
materials to assure compliance with specifications.
- Performing field investigations to determine materials
- Preparing materials manuals and guides and maintaining
representation on the American Society for Testing and Materials,
AASHTO Highway Subcommittee on Materials, and other engineering organizations.
- Providing advisory support on material related question/concerns.

Responsible for:
- Coordinating project estimates in the Division.
- Preparing, distributing and maintaining the Materials
Sampling Guide.
- Preparing, and distributing a required documents
list for highway construction projects.
- Administering the Materials Management portion of
- Maintaining and repairing of laboratory equipment
in the central and branch laboratories.
- All clerical tasks within the Division.
- Provide IT support to the Division.
Cement Concrete, Chemicals, and Research
Responsible for:
- Conducting tests on Portland cement, Portland cement
concrete, curing compounds, joint sealers, concrete and clay pipe, metal
products and related items, and developing materials specifications.
- Providing technical guidance and coordination for
precast/prestressed concrete fabrication and inspection of steel bridge
- Conducting chemical tests on various types of materials.
- Administers the department’s research program
to include:
- Chairs the department’s Research Advisory Committee.
- Solicits for Research Statements of Need.
- Reviews all research proposals and budgets.
- Conducts literature searches.
- Prepares the annual budget for administration of Research Program
and conduct of research.
- Processes agreements, billings and payments for research.
- Reviews, approves, and distributes final reports.
- Publishes quarterly status report of Research Program.
- Administers, as lead state, two regional pooled
fund projects to include:
- Chairs and serves as secretary for one
of these projects which includes:
- Hosts the annual meeting of the ten member
- Prepares the agenda and handouts.
- Takes and distributes minutes and
actions of the members.
- Coordinates with the researchers at the University
of Nebraska.
- Processes agreements, billings, payments, and reimbursements
for the research.
- Represents the department as a member of the American
Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Region
III Research Advisory Committee and attends annual (regional or national)
- Coordinates the department’s administrative
functions with the Transportation Research Board (TRB) and National
Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP).
- Attends the annual TRB meeting, as the department’s

Geotechnical Section performs geotechnical investigation
and providing recommendation for the design and construction of roadway
and structures for all NDOR projects as needed and helps in other public
projects if requested. This section is also responsible for the review
of geotechnical reports prepared by a geotechnical consultant for NDOR
The Geotechnical Section consists of three units and
their responsibilities are:
- Bridge Foundation Unit:
- Performed subsurface investigations for state bridge foundations
as needed and county bridge foundations when requested.
- Design appropriate foundation systems.
- Review state and county bridge foundations plans.
- Perform on site integrity and capacity tests for foundation systems.
- Update historical information.
- Soil Survey Unit:
- Investigate and define subsurface materials and conditions for
roadway design.
- Predict the probable stability of cut slopes.
- Creat th 2K plan sheets.
- Soil Mechanics Unit:
- Perform subsurface investgations, install analyze field instrumentation
during embankment construction.
- Perform geotechnical analysis of embankments, MSE Walls and culverts,
to evaluate settlement magnitude, settlement time, slope stability
and foundation soil suitability.
- Perform and evaluate soil mechanic testing.
- Provide geotechnical support during construction.
Pavement, and Quality Assurance
Responsible for:
- Testing asphalt cements, petroleum products, bituminous
aggregate mixes, soils and aggregates.
- Pavement friction testing, pavement deflection testing,
bridge deck testing, pavement roughness measurements, petrographic tests
and studies, and obtaining pavement core samples.
- Administering technical control of the branch laboratories.
Responsible for:
- Conducting pavement research.
- Determining pavement type and thickness.
- Computing quantities and developing cost estimates,
specifications, typical cross-sections and mix designs for flexible
pavement projects.
- Maintaining a historical file for each flexible
pavement project.
- Managing and administering
the department's research program.

Needs and Pavement Management
Responsible for:
- Pavement Management
- Rate the pavement condition of the 10,000 mile highway system,
( faulting/rutting measurements, surface distress, digital images)
- Rate the pavement condition of the State Recreation Road System.
- Interstate Needs Study.
- Publish the Interstate Pavement Condition Report.
- Respond to any requests for reporting on
pavement condition,
(prepare lists for District Planning meetings, PEP candidate lists,
NSI, PSI, IRI maps, etc.)
- Classification & Needs
- Needs Study
- State Highway Inventory Report
- State & National Classifications
- Relinquishments
- Interstate Needs Study
- Route Number change request to AASHTO
- Urban Area Limits
- Minimum Maintenance
- Updating of IHI data
- 28' Top System, Expressway System, Priority
Commercial System
Physical Tests
- Conducting tests on concrete and clay pipe,
metal products and related items, and developing materials specifications.
- Providing technical guidance and coordination for
precast/prestressed concrete fabrication and inspection of steel bridge