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January 19 III Temporary Pavement Marking Paint and Beads-
Glass Beads
Updated Information
Chem Lab
January 23 I ITW Ramset/Red Head
Epcon Granite 5name changed to Epcon G5
Epcon Ceramic 6 changed to Epcon C6
Epcon Acrylic 7 changed to Epcon A7
Grade 3 Epoxies and Resin Adhesive
ITW Ramset/Red Head
January 29 I PolarSet
Chemical Admixture
W. R .Grace
January 29 I Foil-Fast, name changed to (Power Fast)
Grade 3 Epoxies and Resin Adhesive
Power Fastener, Inc
Formerly  Rawl
February 2 I  Hi Spec
2001,  Hot Pour, Lot Numbers
W. R. Meadows 
February 5 I WRDA w/Hycol
Chemical Admixture
W. R .Grace
February 12 IV Mirafi 130X
Low Porosity Silt Fence
Mirafi Inc
February 20 I Pozzolith 200 N
Chemical Admixture
Master Builders Inc
February 20 IV Silt-Saver
Area Inlet Sediment Filter
Silt-Saver Inc
February 21 I T6297 #34231
T6291 & T6292 #34221
Crafco Hot Pour Joint Sealer
February 22 I Green Bar #720A009
Powdered Epoxy Resins Coating Materials
Valspar Corporation
Formerly Lilly Powder Coatings
February 23 II Black Magic 13
Release Agents
ChemMark Corporation
March 2 IV Mirafi 100X-(for low profile only)
Low Porosity Silt Fence
Mirafi Inc
March 9 I Specific Gravities added to
Cement and Fly Ash
Materials & Research
March 9 II Asphalt Release Agent
Release Agents
Bullen Companies
March 15 I T6292, T6294, T6295, T6296,
T6349, T6350, T6351
Crafco Hot Pour Joint Sealer
March 15 I Lot Numbers-021501, 022201, 022801
White Curing Compound
March 15 I Lot Number-N1HB082
White Curing Compound
W.R. Meadows
March 23 I 7311, 7321, 7331, 7341
W.R. Meadows Hot Pour Joint Sealer
W.R. Meadows
March 23 I T6352, T6353
Crafco Hot Pour Joint Sealer
March 23 II MCC Release Agent
Release Agents
MidContinental Chemical Co.
March 23 Western Materials #271
Gravel and Rock Producers
Agg. Laboratory
March 30 I Pecora 300
Self leveling Silicone Joint Sealant
Pecora Corporation
March 30 I 7351
W.R. Meadows Hot Pour Joint Sealer
W.R. Meadows
March 30 I T6298
Crafco Hot Pour Joint Sealer
April 6 I ABC Cement
Pavement Patching Material
ISG Resources
April 6 IV Belton 912
Low Porosity Silt Fence
Belton Industries
April 6 IV Mirafi 100x & Belton 755 (changed to)
Low Profile,  Low Porosity Silt Fence
 Dick Gray/Rdwy Design
April 10 I Daratard 17 & WRDA 82
Chemical Admixtures
W.R. Grace
April 17 VI Grundy 5X Mastic
Post-Applied Coatings For Corrugated Metal Pipe
Grundy Industries, Inc.
April 20 III ATM Series 300 
Type I Tape Durable Retro Reflective Preformed Pavement
Marking Tape
Advance Traffic Markings
April 20 III ATM Series 400 
Type III Tape Durable Retro Reflective Preformed Pavement
Marking Tape
Advance Traffic Markings
April 20 IV S31
Erosion Control, Straw Blanket
April 20 IV S32
Erosion Control "HV", Straw Blanket
April 25 III Traffic Paint & Glass Beads
Permanent Traffic Paint and Beads
Chem. Lab
April 26 IV S32 has been changed to S42
Erosion Control "HV", Straw Blanket
May 1 III AKT No. 18
Reflectors for Delineator Posts
AKT Corporation
May 1  III Model RT-90
Reflectors for Delineator Posts
Astro Optics Corp.
May 1 III Vega 
Reflectors for Delineator Posts
Vega Model Plastics
May 10 I T6541, T6542, T6543
Crafco Hot Pour Joint Sealer
May 18 VI Foster Geotechnical (formerly VSL Corp.)
MSE Walls- Concrete Facing Panels
Foster Geotechnical
May 21 I T6511, T6512, T6513, T6514
Crafco Hot Pour Joint Sealer
May 22 III LED Traffic Signal Lamps Traffic Engineer Division
May 25 I SAFE-CURE-1000, Lot # E13156
White Curing Compound  
May 29 I Daraset 200
Chemical Admixtures
W.R. Grace
June 4 IV M2V4 changed to H2M4
Coir Silt Fence
Dick Gray/Rdwy Design
June 8 I T6544, T6545, T6614
Crafco Hot Pour Joint Sealer
June 15 I ADVA Flow
Chemical Admixtures
W.R. Grace
June 15 I Lot Numbers-050701-1, 050701-2, 051001-1, 051001-2
White Curing Compound
June 15 I T6609
Crafco Hot Pour Joint Sealer
June 15 I Type III
Ash Grove - Louisville - AL
June 15 I Type III
LaFarge - Sugar Creek - LM 
June 22 I Lot Number-N1HE208
White Curing Compound
W.R. Meadows
June 22 I Belton-912 has been changed to Belton-912-048
Low Porosity silt Fence
Belton Industries, Inc.

June 22

I Belton-912-036
Low Profile,  Low Porosity Silt Fence
Belton Industries, Inc.
June 29 I T6610 & T6611
Crafco Hot Pour Joint Sealer
June 29 I 7361, 7371, 7381, 7391, 7401, 7411, 7421, 7431
W.R. Meadows Hot Pour Joint Sealer
W.R. Meadows
June 29 III H1324-18-Box, H1324-P1-Heavy Duty Cover
H1730-18-Box, H1730-P1-Heavy Duty Cover
Pull Boxes
Carson Industries Polymer Concrete
July 13 I Coal Creek & Miami Fort Plants
Fly Ash
July 13 I Air Plus & Super Air Plus
Air-Entraining Admixtures
Fritz Pak Corporation
July 13 I FR-1, Standard Delayed Set, Mini Delayed Set,
Supercizer 1, 5, 7
Chemical Admixtures
Fritz Pak Corporation
July 13  I N1HF162
White Curing Compound
W.R. Meadows
July 13  IV  Tri-Lock
Conlock II 6NVM
Interlocking Concrete Paver Blocks
American Excelsior Co
Hydropave, Erosion Control Systems
July 27
I Lot Numbers-N1HF210, N1HH053
White Curing Compound
W.R. Meadows
August 3 I Lot Numbers- N1HH063
White Curing Compound
W.R. Meadows
August 3 I Hunton Bitumen Soft Board
Fiber Type,  PJF
Hunton Fiber
August 3 I Gerald Gentleman Station-Unit 1(G1), Unit 2 (G2)
Fly Ash
Plains Pozzolanic
August 10 IV 225 EX 
Filter Fabric for Rock Riprap
LinQ Industrial Fabrics
August 17 III Revision of
Permanent Pavement Marking Paint and Beads &
Temporary Pavement Marking paint and Beads
 NDOR Chem. Lab.
August 17
I Lot Numbers- N1HJ003
White Curing Compound
W.R. Meadows
August 23 I Lone Star Cement - Code = LI
Lone Star Industries
August 31 I High Performance Repair Mortar
Pavement and Structural Patching &
"Grouts" for Dowel Bar Retrofit
US Concrete Products
August 31 I Rheobuild 3000 FS,  renamed Glenium 3000 NS
Chemical Admixtures
 Master Builders
September 27 I Dow Corning 890-SL
Self Leveling Silicone joint Sealant
Dow Corning
September 27 I Dow Corning 888
Dow Corning 902 RCS
Silicone Joint Sealant
Dow Corning
October 2 I T6612 
Crafco Hot Pour Joint Sealer
October 2 VI Pecora AC 20 + Silicone
Acrylic Latex - One Component Sealer
Pecora Corporation
October 2
VI Tremflex 834
Acrylic Latex - One Component Sealer
Tremco Inc.
October 10 I Sealtight, Rezi-Weld Gel Paste-State
Grade 3, Epoxy Resin  Bonding System,
also in Resin Adhesives
W. R. Meadows
October 10
I Hilti Hit-RE500
Resin Adhesives
Hilti, Inc.
October 10
I Acrylic-Tie & Epoxy-Tie   ET 22
Resin Adhesives
Simpson Strong-Tie
October 11
I US Spec Monofilm ER
Evaporation Reducer
US Mix Products Company
October 19 I T6615 
Crafco Hot Pour Joint Sealer
October 19
III  Lifelite Model 101LP w/944 reflector, 
formerly Stimsonite Model 101LP
Plowable Type - Raised Pavement Markers
Avery Dennison/Stimsonite-formerly Amerace Corp
October 19
III Hallen Products Model H1010, w/3M Series 190 reflector
Plowable Type - Raised Pavement Markers
Hallen Products/3M
October 19
I Sealate T-70 MX30
Bridge Deck Crack Sealant-
High Molecular Weight Methacrylate
Transpo Industries
October 26
II NOTE: That this list only applies to projects let prior to October 1, 2001
Performance Graded Binders
Flexible Pavement Engineer
November 7
IV Manufacturer name change
old-PPS new-Western Excelsior 
Erosion Control - Excelsior, & Straw, HV & HV Straw
Dick Gray/Rdwy Design
November 7 IV S-150
Erosion Control- HV Straw
North American Green
November 16 I 7441, 7451, 7461, 7471, 7481, 7491
Hot Pour Joint Sealers
W.R. Meadows
November 16 I T6694, T7053
Hot Pour Joint Sealers
Crafco, Inc.
November 16 II SPX-7
Asphalt Release Agent
Formerly Synthetics Industries change to Compound Technologies, Inc.
November 28 III Trelleborg Series RW-140 (White)
 Trelleborg Series RY-140 (Yellow)
Trelleborg Series RB-140 (Black)
(Removable) Temporary Pavement Marking Tape
Trelleborg Engineering Systems
November 29
IV Geolink
Interlocking Concrete Paver Blocks
December 5
VI SureLok WT/BLUESEAL, bell & spigot
W/F477 gasket.
Adjoining Pipe Ends-Plastic Pipe & Soil-Tight Joints- Plastic Pipe
December 7 IV Concrete Materials Co. Hills Materials Co.
L. G. Everst, Meridan Aggregates, 
Spencer Quarry
Rock Rip Rap Sources
Agg. Laboratory
December 13 I T6613 , T7068 & T6894
Hot Pour Joint Sealers
Crafco, Inc.
December 13
I 7501, 7511, 7521, 7531, 7541, 7551, 7561, 7571
Hot Pour Joint Sealers
W.R. Meadows