Lake McConaughy
Viaduct Project

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Project Overview

Lake McConaughy Viaduct
Project # STPN-TMT-61-2(111), C.N. 61149
Project Contacts:
Dawn Allyn, Assistant Design Engineer (402) 479-4663
Tony Kessler, Design Consultant Coordinator (402) 479-3994

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Aerial of Proposed Construction (DjVu)
Updated 5-12-2005

Location Map (DjVu)

Noise Study
(pdf- 11Mg)
Added 7-6-2005

Description: This project is located in Keith County. This project is on N-61 and commences at the north end of Kingsley Dam and ends approximately 550 ft. north of the N-61/N-92 intersection. The proposed work includes overlaying the existing N-61 roadway with 4” Asphalt from the north end of Kingsley Dam to the north for approximately .9 miles. New concrete pavement, roadway grading, and a new viaduct over the UPRR will be constructed. The new roadway and viaduct will be on the existing alignment. Improvements to N-61 will require reconstruction of approximately 800 feet of N-92.

Improvement: The project will include new concrete pavement, asphalt overlays, and a new viaduct over the existing N-61/UPRR grade crossing.

Traffic Volume Estimates:

Average Daily Traffic
Design Hourly Volume
Truck Percentage

Construction Schedule: Based on current funding levels the project will be let to contract in August of 2005. Construction of the temporary roads will start in the fall. Reconstruction and overlays will begin in the spring of 2006. This schedule will change if funding levels or priorities change before the letting.

Typical Highway Section: N-61: Rural 2-lane section with left turn lanes provided at the N-92 and Frontage Road Intersections.

Traffic Maintenance: Traffic will be maintained on temporary roads for N-61 and N-92 that will be constructed to the east of N-61 and north of N-92.

Access During Construction: Access to the properties adjacent to N-61 and N-92 will be provided during construction.

Lighting: The N-61/N-92 intersection will be lighted.

Right-of-Way Needs: New right of way will be required for the north 0.79 miles of the project. This project will have impacts on the Martin Bay Convenience Store. There will be a permanent change to the access location of the parking
lots for Junie Mae’s Restaurant and Cherie’s Lounge. A temporary easement will be required to construct the N-61 and N-92 Temporary Roads.

Estimated Cost: $4,500,000