Please read and understand the below Disclaimer before proceeding

Supplemental Specification Disclaimer

The Department has three official publications that contain our Standard Specifications for Highway Construction, and will be included as part of future contracts starting August 1, 2001:

1.      Standard Specifications for Highway Construction –1997 Metric Edition

2.      Standard Specifications for Highway Construction –1997 English Edition

3.      Supplemental Specifications to the Standard Specifications for Highway Construction—2001 Metric  And English Edition

The Department has made and has posted on the NDOR Web site an UNOFFICIAL document that combines the 1997 Standard Specifications for Highway Construction and the 2001 Supplemental Specifications to the Standard Specifications for Highway Construction.  This combined document is not an official document it is only for easy reference to see how the three official documents fit together. The Department makes no assurance that the combined document is an accurate translation of the changes identified in the Official Supplemental Specifications to the Standard Specifications for Highway Construction—2001 Edition.