Mission | Local Officers |
Services | Tips
#1761 Mission:
The mission of the RoadToasters Club is to provide a mutually supportive
and positive
learning environment in which every member has the opportunity to
develop communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster
self-confidence and personal growth.
- Monthly on 2nd and 4th Wednesdays. Guests always welcome!
Current Officers:
July 1, 2005 - June 30,
President: Mike H. Owen, 479-4735
Vice President Education: Steve J. Sabra, 479-3763
Vice President Membership/Public Relations: Paul H. Wisnieski, 479-4432
Secretary: Linda S. Langdale, 479-4519
Treasurer: Konstantin G. Bogdanov, CTM, 479-3681
Sergeant at Arms: Janice M. Kollars, CTM, 479-4885
Speechcrafters courses -
offered frequently - provide a beginning to excellence in public speaking.
Have a presentation that
needs to be improved or polished? RoadToasters can help.
RoadToasters have served
as the emcee at Department events and celebrations
Helpful tips on public speaking
can be gained by attending any regular meeting.
Personal gains include help
with interviews, one-on-one speaking, and improving workplace communication.
An adaptation from 10 Tips For Public
Speaking (http://www.toastmasters.org)
#2. Know the audience - greet people as they come in and they won't be
#3. Know
your material - one word - practice!
#8. Concentrate
on the message - you are there to help!