Mission Statement
General Responsibilities
Traffic Control Section
Traffic Analysis Section
We provide engineering services and advice, in cooperation
with public and private organizations, for a safe and efficient state
transportation system for the movement of people and goods. Our services
include engineering analysis, use of traffic control devices, design and
manufacture of signs, traffic data collection, administrative support,
and computer aided drafting.

Directly responsible to the Deputy-Engineering Services.
The Traffic Engineering Division is responsible for:
- Making recommendations for the functional design
features of intersections, interchanges, and other highway facilities.
- Designing signs, signals, pavement marking, and
other traffic control devices; and preparing standards and policies
for installation and maintenance.
- Continuing surveillance of the highway system to
identify high-accidents and congested locations, conducting studies
of the locations as required, and recommending or implementing necessary
actions to improve conditions.

Link to MUTCD
to PDF doc of Sources for MUTCD Info
The Traffic Control Section is responsible for:
- Designing official highway signs, pavement marking,
traffic signals, and other traffic control devices.
- Developing standards and policies governing the
functions, placement, operation, and maintenance of traffic control
- Developing specifications for material and fabrication
requirements of traffic control devices.
- Developing plans and specifications for signing,
pavement marking, traffic signals, and traffic control through construction
and maintenance work areas.
- Inspecting traffic control devices in the field
to assure compliance with Department policies and the Manual on Uniform
Traffic Control Devices.
- Maintaining records identifying the location of
all traffic signals, beacons, and signing at highway junctions.
- Analyzing and studying all fatal accident reports
and all accident reports where the investigating officer requests an
engineering study, and recommending or implementing improvements where
- Assisting the Department's Highway Safety Program
by identifying and analyzing high-accident locations, and by developing
recommendations for improvements to reduce the number and severity of
- Assisting the Department's Highway Construction
Program with respect to the inspection of signing, pavement marking,
and traffic signal projects.
- Assisting Department maintenance and construction
personnel by providing technical support with respect to the installation,
operation, and maintenance of traffic control devices.
- Material procurement and construction of all signs
used by the Department.
- Drafting plans and graphic displays.

Directly responsible to the Traffic Engineer.
The Traffic Analysis Section is responsible for:
- Conducting field surveys and analyzing data for
vehicle speeds, traffic signals, pedestrian safety, parking, and other
traffic operations studies.
- Conducting traffic research investigations.
- Preparing traffic regulations such as speed limits,
turn prohibitions, parking regulations, and other restrictions, which
have the force of law.
- Assisting the Roadway Design Division in the development
of design policies and standard; and in the functional design and geometric
features of intersections, interchanges, and other highway facilities.
- Assisting the Roadway Design Division in the prevention
and resolution of traffic control and operational problems, including
the relation of design elements to traffic volumes, accidents, and speeds.
- Assisting the Right-of-Way Division by reviewing
or conducting traffic impact studies resulting from driveway requests
submitted by public or private owners of adjacent lands.
- General surveillance of traffic operations on the
State Highway System and surveillance of problem highway locations.
- Drafting plans and graphic displays.