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Contacts Highway Safety serves as the state repository for motor vehicle traffic accidents. Law enforcement officers who investigate accidents and drivers who are involved in accidents are required by state law to report to the Department of Roads on standard report forms. These forms can be obtained free of charge by contacting Highway Safety.
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Traffic Fatality Toll NE
Traffic Fatality Toll Comparison Responsible for receiving, processing, and storing all accident reports. Information from these reports is entered into a computerized database, where it is available for analysis. About 145,000 reports, representing nearly 50,000 reportable accidents, are received each year. Up to four years of hard copy reports are filed within the office, before being converted to microfilm. Certified copies of accident reports are available to the public at a cost of $6.00 per report.
Responsible for analysis of accident data. This includes the production of standard reports, such as the annual Nebraska Traffic Accident Facts booklet, published each July for the preceding year, and the "Standard Summaries of Nebraska Motor Vehicle Traffic Accidents" the production of specialized reports from the database when requested by sources within the Department of Roads, other agencies, or the general public, and the completion of accident studies at specific locations. The Location Analysis Unit does accident studies for all highway projects, and regularly monitors the state highway system to identify accident trouble spots. This information is used by department engineers to develop highway projects and safety improvements. The Risk Management section also: