
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
is requiring all states to have all traffic control devices in a work
zone be crashworthy and to qualify as such according to the testing and
acceptance guidelines of the National Cooperative Highway Research Program
(NCHRP) Report 350. The work zone traffic control devices have been classified
into four (4) categories, each having its own testing requirements and
compliance date. The following is a list of the categories, examples of
devices in each category (not inclusive), and the date the category must
be in compliance:
includes those items that are small and lightweight, such as channelizing
and delineating devices. Included are items that have been in common
use for many years and are known to be crashworthy by crash testing
of similar devices or years of demonstrable, safe performance. These
include cones, tubular posts, flexible delineator posts, and plastic
drums with no attachments. These devices may be allowed for use on the
NHS based on the developer's self-certification. October 1, 1998
- includes
devices that are not expected to produce significant vehicular velocity
change but may otherwise be hazardous. Examples of items in this class
are barricades, portable sign supports, intrusion alarms, and plastic
drums, vertical panels, or cones with lights. Testing of devices in
this category will be required. However, some devices may qualify for
reduced testing requirements.
includes hardware that is expected to cause significant velocity changes
or other potentially harmful reactions to impacting vehicles. Hardware
in this category must be tested to the full requirement of NCHRP 350.
Concrete protection barriers, fixed sign supports, crash cushions, and
other work zone devices not meeting the definitions of Category 1 or
2 are examples from this category. *
- *Concrete Protection Barriers with joints that
fail to transfer tension and moment from one segment to another
must be updated by October 1, 2000. Truck-mounted attenuators (TMA)
and work zone crash cushions (WZCC) purchased after October 1, 1998
must comply with NCHRP 350. Existing TMAs and WZCCs
can be phased out as they complete their service life.
includes portable or trailer-mounted devices such as flashing arrow
panels, temporary traffic signals, area lighting supports, and portable
changeable message signs.
The purpose of this notice is to explain how the State
of Nebraska, Department of Roads will phase in the devices in Category
2. The FHWA has indicated that " agencies can phase out existing
devices as they complete their normal service." Therefore, the NDOR
met with representatives from Kansas DOT, Iowa DOT, Missouri DOT, Contractors,
and ATSSA to develop a consistent policy for phasing out non-compliant,
Category 2 devices.
- By January 1, 2002, all Category 2 devices shall
be NCHRP 350 (Test Level-3) compliant.
- All new Category 2 devices purchased after October
1, 2000 shall be NCHRP 350 (TL-3) compliant; and contractors shall certify
that all devices purchased after October 1, 2000 are NCHRP 350 compliant
- Projects let prior to October 1, 1999 will not be
subject to this policy.
- Projects let after January 1, 2002 will require
that all Category 2 devices are NCHRP 350 (TL-3) compliant.
- For projects let after October 1, 1999 but prior
to January 1, 2002, the Category 2 devices used may be either compliant
devices or non-compliant devices purchased prior to October 1, 2000
completing their normal service life. For projects let during this period
with a starting date after January 1, 2002, all category 2 devices shall
be NCHRP 350 (TL-3) compliant. For projects let during this period but
not completed by January 1, 2002, the Department of Roads --- at its
discretion --- will determine whether non-compliant devices may remain
in service. If the Department directs that non-compliant devices be
replaced with compliant devices, the contractor will be compensated
for the replacement as extra work. Compensation will be based upon the
actual cost of the replacement less any residual value of the new devices
upon completion of the contract.
A list of approved NCHRP 350 devices can
be found in the FHWA web site at the following URL: http://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/fourthlevel/pro_res_road_nchrp350.htm
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National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Guidelines for Work
Zone Traffic Control Devices
