To View these files Acrobat Reader is required.
Download contains PDF and Excel or Word files.
1. Plan Order Form View
or Download
2. Informational Proposal Order Form View
or Download
3. Request for Bidding Proposal Forms (R-125) View
or Download
4. Current Standard Plans List
or Download
Refer to the attached "Notices
to Contractors" for the project number,
call order and list of plans for each project.
Plans can be ordered as follows:
1. Complete set.
2. Set less Roadway
Cross-Sections and Standards.
3. Set less Standards.
4. Individual sheets - this request must be
in writing and may be a FAX copy.
5. Payment must be made before delivery and
is not refundable.
Costs shown on
the lists of plans is for plans only.
Nebraska residents add
appropriate state and city sales tax.
This is determined by
delivery within cities imposing a sales tax.
We encourage you to deposit money in an advanced
payment account.
The cost of your plan order will automatically be deducted and
an invoice will
be mailed monthly. Failure to have sufficient funds in the
account may delay
the processing of your plan orders.
Prices Per Sheet are: |
Half-Size |
Full-Size |
(12" x 18") |
(24" x 36") |
Plan Sheets |
.20 |
.45 |
Cross-Sections |
.20 |
.45 |
Standard Plans |
.20 |
.45 |
Complete set of standards |
$30.00 + tax (1/2 size) |
As new Standard Plans are added, they will be
indicated in the
list of plans in the Notices to Contractors and may be purchased
at $0.20 per sheet (1/2 size).
Proposal Forms are available at no cost as follows:
1. Proposals for informational purposes upon request.
2. Bidding proposals must be requested on an
R-125 "Request for Bidding Proposal
by currently prequalified contractors.
Contracts Office
P.O. Box 94759 Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-4759
1500 Highway 2 Lincoln, Nebraska 68502
Tel (402) 479-4525
Fax (402) 479-3803
Please contact the Contracts
Section with your questions/comments.
Contact Construction
Divison regarding web content/problems/suggestions.