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RFP's for Acquisition Consultants
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ACQUISITION CONSULTANT PROCESS Qualifications The Chief Negotiator shall establish and maintain a list of Approved Acquisition Consultants (See Approved Acquisition Consultants List). Positive steps have taken by the Chief Negotiator to include all qualified Fee Negotiators who wish to be considered for NDOR contracts, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or any physical handicap, which does not prevent satisfactory performance of the work, on the approved list. Fee negotiators shall meet the following qualifications: • Must be properly licensed in Nebraska by the Nebraska Real Estate Commission or in a state that has reciprocity with Nebraska. • Must demonstrate that they have a history of successful performance in this field. • Must be able to show that they have a qualified staff available. • Must demonstrate knowledge and abilities in title searches and closing procedures. • Must demonstrate knowledge in Nebraska eminent domain procedures so the proper explanation can be given to the property owners. • Must have knowledge in the appropriate federal laws and procedures as set forth in our ROW manual. • Must be able to explain engineering
plans, analyze the appraisal, answer legal Contracting for Services When circumstances warrant, the R.O.W. Manager will instruct that Request for Proposals be sent to all Approved Acquisition Consultants. This assures an open competitive process for selecting recipients for these contracted services. The Request for Proposal will provide adequate information for the Acquisition Consultants to submit a realistic proposal. This information includes, but is not be limited to, a clear scope of work, a defined work product, plans and/or strip maps, names of the property owners, proposed start and finish dates of the project, number of tracts, the time and date of proposed opening. The consultants will be informed to submit their responses to the Requests for Proposals in the manner and format listed below, identifying each response by its respective tab numeral. Tab Item
1-Proposal. Describe, in detail, how the service will be provided.
Include Tab Item
2-Firm’s Capacity. The consultant shall state the size of
the firm, the size of the firm’s acquisition staff, the location
of the office from which this service is to be Tab Item 3-Personnel. Attach resumes of all those who will be involved in the delivery of the service, from principals to field technicians, that include their experience in this area of service delivery. Indicate the level of involvement by principals of the firm in the day-to-day operation of the contract. Tab Item 4-Present workload with the Department. Indicate the Project Number(s) and the number of tracts not yet completed that are under contract with the Department at the time the proposal is submitted. Tab Item
5-Cost. Indicate the per tract cost for providing the service as
noted in the Tab Item6-References. Give at least three references for contracts of similar size and scope, including at least two references for current contracts or those awarded during the past three years. Include the name of the organization, the length of the contract, a brief summary of the work, and the name and telephone number of a responsible contact person. Selection of Consultant A selection committee will review and evaluate all replies and identify the firms that may be invited to submit more detailed proposals, make oral presentations, or both. The selection committee will have only the response to the solicitation to review for selection of finalists. It is therefore important that respondents emphasize specific information pertinent to the work. The award could be made on the basis of initial proposals, without discussion. The selection committee will consist of the ROW Manager, Assistant ROW Manager, Chief Negotiator, and both Supervising ROW Agents. Three of these five individuals, as a minimum, must be present to review and score the proposals. Proposals received will be held until the prescribed time of opening. At which time and in the presence of the selection committee, the proposals shall be opened, copies made and distributed to the selection committee and scored (See Attachment NN-1) by the selection committee. The individual scores of the members of the selection committee will be added together for a composite score (See Attachment NN-2). The selection committee will then determine which proposal is most advantageous to the Department’s program. The committee may reject any or all proposals. The selected proposal may or may not be the proposal that has the highest composite score. The Chief Negotiator or designee will evaluate the Acquisition Consultant’s work product and performance. The Acquisition Consultant Performance Evaluation (See Attachment II) will be filed for use as future reference when selecting Acquisition Consultants. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS -- Please contact the Right of Way Division Pagemaster if you have general questions about the ROW web area.